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It's sex relations not an analogy I buy because a phone conversation is between one or at most a few people whereas the internet is open to the public. However, the idea of having an outside company censure something that is not a crime but might lead to one sex relations is very sex relations troubling. On the other hand, so is the idea of his posting names for the sake of making them targets. Posted by: Ellen at May 6, 2005 04:26 PM I gotta tell you guys that you have me laughing so hard tears were coming out of my eyes and my next-door-neighbor at work just asked me if I was OK because I couldn't stop. Posted by: Ellen at May 6, 2005 04:30 PM Sheeesh! Seems to me that Mr. Horsley has a more liberal attitude towards alternative lifestyles than the so-called liberals posting here. All the "humor" shows a certain level of discomfort with the topic, not unlike most Conservatives have.
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