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Study tantra and yoga. Read Osho. Accept your own pregnancy sex tipssex sexuality as a divine gift and not a "curse" to be avoided pregnancy sex tipssex or criminalized. *** EVOLVE *** It's getting a bit lonely here, ahead of the bell-curve. Posted by: Bob at May 11, 2005 10:33 AM Hello: I just want to say that Neal was a terrible lay. He did not use any lubrication. Also, he was done in seconds, and left me high and dry. Not even a reach-around. Your truly, Francis (the talking mule). Posted by: Mitchell Schwartz at May 11, pregnancy sex tipssex 2005 10:58 AM Maybe as Dems we shouldn't paint a group with a broad brush due to the actions of a single individual... Posted by: Jack Meolf at May 11, 2005 11:02 AM all i can say is: EWE! Posted by: Terri Noble at May 11, 2005 01:37 PM D'ya think mules fake orgasm?
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