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I don't think you sound ignorant--if you were ignorant you would do what you want teen sex to without even caring what a bunch of mom's on the internet try to tell you.... I think it is hard to wait when we get to a spot teen sex where we are so anxious to take the next steps in life.... It sounds like your boyfriend is a good guy who doesn't want to hurt you....and there isn't a reason to mess that up. Part of being an adult and making an adult decision is understanding what teen sex the consequences might be for the decisions we make...... I am going to talk to you as if you were an adult right now, because you are talking about an adult decision here.... If I were your best friend in life and we were talking about this these would be the things I would mention...... Okay, so your boyfriend is away--at college and you are still at home and 15.... It would be great if things go well and when both of you are ready you make your life together is this world....