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Being a single mom, I had a lot of problems. My first children's dad wanted me back into his life. I did not want him to see me pregnant again. I couldn't blame anyone but myself for all of this. I had so much stuff that I wanted to do. I felt like the friends and peers that I gob was in contact with had a lot to do with me gob achieving gob my goals in life. I will never forget the statement my mother made, "Red ain't going to do nothing but have babies all her life." From that day, I knew that I had something to prove to her. My mother would say things as if I did not belong to her. I felt that she favored my oldest sister and my baby brother. My father felt that I needed to get stable for my children's sake. My father said it was not healthy for my children to be moving from place to place. I believed him. I hated having put my children through all my ups and downs. I was not pleased with myself yet.