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--from iVillager aron2403 Usually, lack of vintage departures desire is related to either hormones or your sense of self. You may have lost your perception vintage departures of yourself as a sexual person. I am a big advocate of self-awareness as a path for change, and it might help to spend some time journaling about your feelings and thoughts. It's likely that when you became vintage departures "mommy" you may have taken on or lost some of the roles that defined you differently before. So getting in touch with the inner you that is sexual may be your key to reviving your sex drive. You can see if this fits your situation by reading the Love Lessons from before and this month. Also, you could be feeling that there is not enough emotional space between being mother and being wife to feel sexual attraction. There is good book by Dr. Jack Morin, The Erotic Mind, in which he sets up a formula for what creates erotic attraction.