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She died a week before I was born. A freak accident. In the middle of teaching ballet class she tripped over a pair of tights and cracked her head against the mirror. You can’t make this up, right? I’m telling you, if I had a whole week, a month even, I couldn’t explain why my mother films still keeps Amy’s ballet slippers zip-locked in plastic at the bottom of her closet, although it’s easier to see how I got her name. My mother told me Jews films always name babies after the newly dead. films It has something to do with the old soul being re-born into the new body, which sounds more like Hinduism to me. Raj must have had the box of cookies and balloon hidden in the back of his father’s Jeep since the whole thing took less than an hour. When the doctor turned on the machine my throat swelled up. I couldn’t breathe. Then I felt the scraping. My stomach bucked in cramps as bad as any period I can remember. The entire time I kept my jaw clenched and listened to my grandfather’s ukulele. I made up a song about Doctor Luden.