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As a doctor, she has performed hundreds of abortions, but as a mother of three small children, she has been forced to reexamine the values that propelled her to become pro-choice. Over time, says Dr. X, who celebrities requested anonymity out of concern for her safety and that of her family, her views about abortion have changed. That kind of admission is rare in a public debate in which celebrities the truth has celebrities generally been the first casualty. The latest battle in this epic war has raged over "partial birth" or "late-term" abortion (depending on whose language you use), with pro-life activists charging that some women are terminating their pregnancies in the final days before delivery for reasons as trivial as not being able to fit into a prom dress -- a sensational charge that was never substantiated. The pro-choice side lost some of its own credibility when Ron Fitzsimmons, executive director of the National Coalition of Abortion Providers, announced that he and his colleagues had similarly misled the public by claiming that late-term abortions were performed rarely and only on women whose lives were in danger or whose fetuses had multiple deformities -- true for last-trimester