2) Why are you pictures girl

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2) Why are you defending a mule f*cker? 3) How dare you assume that because I am a democrat I support bestiality, promiscuity, or some other form of 'free-love'? girl I support gay marraige because it gives gay men and women the same opportunity for love and fidelity that my (1st and only) wife and I girl have enjoyed for nearly 30 years, but quite frankly it is none of my damn business what kind of sex life other consenting adults choose to have so I girl don't try to legislate it. But c'mon now, a MULE? (ps - I live in Georgia (shudder) and my cat looks nervous) Posted by: Steve at May 21, 2005 02:26 PM Why do you think it is that children of conservative parents have a 38% greater chance of being gay?
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