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Today newport beach was quite an eventful day filled with gossip, meanderings, crude jokes, and a regretful conversation with a retired man at LACC. newport beach   This morning I gossiped with my school friends and I learned the story of a pregnant girl who had sex with her boyfriend because he promised her a car, house, and stability if she got pregnant. Then newport beach when she did get pregnant, he balked and ran away. Now six months pregnant with her oblivious parents, this girl is confused and clings to the idea that the father of her baby will return to her--which of course will not happen. I told this story to my grandfather and he laughed and laughed.  He told me a very crude but wise quote. "A stiff c*** has no conscience."   Speaking of those who possess such organs, a friend of mine and I were hit on by middle-aged creeps within the past few days.
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