Ask a Teenager! Teenwire, fiction ass

ass, nude, teens, a, alfred a. knopf, forums, rainbow, discussion guides, chicago business, mothers and daughters, lifestyle, literature, (I know, I should have said fiction that pals are not eligible.) But they won't be empty-handed — I'm about to clean out a sizable portion of my bookshelves, so they'll have the opportunity to fiction pick from the best of the former Eden archives. fiction Among the best of the rest:Trollops Are Golden — Joel of On the Other Foot (made me laugh out loud)Thanks, Alan Guttmacher! — Chris Chan (ditto)The winner takes the prize not for humor value, but for telling it like it is:Tomorrow's America=Gone — anonAnon (and I have no idea who he or she is, beyond the e-mail address given) will be receiving a $25 Amazon gift certificate anon — I mean, shortly. Thanks very much to everyone who entered!With no further ado, the Teenwire piece:Having sex — or any kind of sex play — is a big decision. The TAG team hit the streets to find out how different teens answered the big question: How do I know if I'm ready?"Someone knows they are ready for sex when both people feel ready and confident."—
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Ask a Teenager! ass Teenwire, Planned Parenthood's sex-ed Web site aimed at kids 13 and up, recently introduced its Teen Advisory Group, a gang of New York City schoolkids that contributes advice on sex-ed ass topics which Teenwire's readers are expected to take as gospel. Following is the latest TAG feature from Teenwire, "How Do I Know if I'm Ready?", presented in its entirety (save for a few links which I've omitted). In addition to your comments, I would like to know your best guess at what TAG's initials ass really stand for. The winner will receive a $25 Amazon gift certificate. Deadline is midnight Sunday — I'll be taking a break from blogging 'til then. The decision of the judge is final. Good luck!UPDATE, 3/20/06: We have a winner! But first, my favorites of the runners-up:They Are Goingtoneedalotoftherapy — Kevin WalshThrilling Al GoldsteinTitillating Allen GinsbergTraumatizing Amy Grant — all Raving AtheistKevin's made me laugh the hardest, and I loved the RA's too, but I'm reluctant to award the prize to either of them because I know them well and don't want to play favorites.
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