There were more. When music fat albert

janet jackson is fat, plump boobs, blogger, fat bitch, funny picture of fat people, licking, fat gay, lose belly fat, low fat recipe, fat albert, fat booty, More on that later... A little background info, before we get started: I've known Rocky since, hell, I music guess forever. He lived next door music to my grandmother, so I'm sure I knew him even before elementary school. We knew each other, but didn't really become friends until later. Sometime in high school we started tooling around the valley in his beleaguered Brut-scented Datsun, cranking his favorite album at top volume, and hanging out in his Farah Fawcett/Cheryl Tiegs shrine of a basement. There was a group of us... think That music '70s Show, without the hot babes. I had my first beer with Rock, Miller High Life in bottles, purchased at Wagner's Market when we were sixteen. I can still see the desperate look on his face as he gave me his little pep talk before I entered the store. Holy shit, talk about your slippery slopes! You may remember Rocky from his Critter Dinner reporting here, and his views on hunting.
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There were more. When I was deciding what to write about fat albert today, I realized that my well had not only run dry, but also had collapsed in on itself. I flipped through my notebook fat albert and saw an entry that read, "Spots on Carpet," and just tossed it aside with a huff. Scraping the bottom of the barrel is what I believe it's called. This is my third update this week, and I don't really lead a three-update fat albert life anymore. I'm more of a two-update guy these days, and I'm spreading myself pretty thin here. I stewed about it for a few minutes, then a cartoon light bulb began levitating above my head: I'd just tell a bunch of Rocky Stories! So that's what I'm going to do. In case you're wondering, I asked Rocky if he has a problem with any of this, and he says he doesn't. He even gave me the thumbs up on running a couple of unusual photos I have of him.
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