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There's no stigma anymore. The new models look incredible and, according to the television commercials, they ain't all that cheap anymore. It's now OK to have a valet park a Hyundai -- they're no longer the vehicular equivalent of a faded skin-tight Dollywood t-shirt, or a gold low fat chicken recipe toof. low fat chicken recipe I find this fascinating. I thought prejudices die hard? Apparently not as hard as one might imagine, at least when it comes to cars. It seems almost impossible to me. When I was a kid Toyota low fat chicken recipe was a Johnny Carson punch line, and only teenagers and hedge-pitted notdog & shamburger-eaters drove them. I believe some models actually came from the factory with the "You can't hug your kids with nuclear arms" sticker already attached. Now, of course, they cost more than what my parents paid for the house I grew up in, and no self-respecting notdogger would be caught dead in such a crass symbol of American capitalistic status.
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