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Horseback fat boobs riding midgets with swords is not really my cup of tea. They may be kick-ass fat boobs movies, but I'll have to take your word for it. The best part of the show was when some old man, the president of the academy or an accountant, or something dull, got all flustered and began making jokes directed at "Williams." Nobody knew what the hell was going on, or who this fat boobs Williams was, but I'm pretty certain that he thought the show was being hosted by Robin Williams. Seriously. The man had no idea what was going on. It was my favorite Oscars moment this year, but it probably won't show up in any of the clips. What's the frequency, Williams? Excellent. -- And I'll now turn this thing over to Chris, who has cranked out another novella of anger, for our enjoyment. Have a great day, and I'll see you again tomorrow. Comments?  Use our open forum to share your thoughts on this, or any semi-relevant subject.  
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