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-- Saturday night I had some Yuenglings and watched a disappointing documentary about Stanley Kubrick. The best part was when he was fat burner verbally abusing Shelley Duvall on the set of The Shining. "You're wasting our time!!" he screamed. That, of course, was highly enjoyable, but the rest of it was pretty dull. I've read nothing but good things about this film, so maybe it was just my state of mind. You shouldn't take my word for it, in fact you shouldn't take my word for anything. -- fat burner I laid around all fat burner day Sunday, marinating in my own natural juices and finishing up To Kill A Mockingbird. Finally in the afternoon a massive storm passed through and cooled things way down. All hell broke loose for about a half-hour, and I actually unplugged my computer for fear that lightning would destroy my archive of semen humor.