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you pass the salt, please?" It's certainly understandable that she would crave some alternative interaction. Anyway, over the months everything has turned around and now her army of friends are starting to drive fat farm her nuts. They call here all hours of the fat farm day, and make great demands on her time. It would be really obnoxious of me to say I told you so, which is why I do it all the time. But now it's threatening to impact my sad little world: there's talk about barbecues with the husbands and, even worse, dinners out in fat farm restaurants! I don't know these people even remotely; it would be like walking into a Denny's and just sitting down at any random table and making small-talk with a party of strangers. She's created a monster with her friendliness, and I'm beginning to get a little concerned. -- One of Toney's friends was born and raised in Charleston, SC, but she reportedly doesn't have even a trace of a Southern accent.