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What in the hand-rolled hell is going on?? Just this morning Toney shoved four cunt sheets of paper in front of me filled with legal mumbo-jumbo, and said I needed to sign them for the refinance. I don't even question it anymore, I just do what I'm told. Screw it. If I start concentrating, I'll get too cunt agitated. I'm constantly hearing radio ads for refinancing, where they claim you just fill out one form (or whatever), and they'll bring it right to your house or office, blah blah blah. Either those cunt ads are complete bullshit, or we've been dealing with the wrong people. We practically have to keep a courier service on retainer. And it's been dragging out for weeks. Serenity now!! We're doing this because we can save a point on the interest rate, and we really need to set up an escrow account for the insurance and taxes.