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Their loss, I say. Afterwards we went to the grocery store, and I did my old trick of putting about twenty-seven eggplants in our cart while plump ass Toney wasn't looking. Some things are funny year after year after year. And now it's time to go back to work... Why can't I just do this for a living? September 21, 2001 A couple more things: -- Several days ago Toney plump ass told me she saw something “really gross” at Wal-Mart. I asked her if it was a customer or an employee, but it turned out she was talking about an item plump ass on their shelves… specifically, microwave pork rinds. “Can you think of anything more disgusting?” she asked. Well, sure I can: maggots, mayonnaise, wet briefs contests, Hillary Clinton, gumbo day at the hare-lip camp… But I got her point.
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