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Thank you. Yours truly, Psychic spending fool. -- Here's an interesting piece, by a Canadian newspaper columnist. -- Have you seen this album cover by an Oakland rap group I've never heard of? It was created months ago, but it'll never see the light of day. Now the record company is teens asking that the image not be distributed on the Internet. Yeah, right. -- A woman from the town where we teens now live was killed in Tuesday's attack in NYC, and one of her friends appeared on teens the local news proclaiming that she was always full of vim and vinegar. I'm not sure what her hygiene regimen has to do with anything, but whatever. -- The whole Piazza brouhaha seems pretty inconsequential right about now, huh? How was that ever important? -- A business in Florida will not allow their employees to display American flag in their offices or cubicles, for fear that somebody's feelings might get hurt.
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