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I can't read your comments, I don't know if there are embarrassing grammatical errors, or if the links work, or anything. I hate it. Every day it feels like I'm sending a kid off to college, fat girl knowing I won't be able to watch over the little prick anymore, and wondering what kind of fat girl trouble he's getting himself into. Something's gotta be done. fat girl Ninety percent of the internet is now blocked at my office, and a parent shouldn't have to live this way. See ya tomorrow. August 25, 2004 -- Many months ago I told you about a giant Sam's Club-sized bottle of Pert shampoo that just suddenly leapt off the shelf while I was showering, and came down on the top of my left foot. Here's a reminder of the carnage. Tiny bird bones which perform intricate duties were turned to powder by the brute force of the big seven-pound weight that inexplicably hurtled from the heavens.