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It was pretty cold-blooded, and I sat fat joke that one out. Most people deserve what they get, but some don't. Goddamn. But I'm careful to adhere to society's dictates. Who needs the grief? fat joke I refuse to invest much into it, though. On Saturday I set myself fat joke a budget of forty bucks, which doesn't go too far. We tried those terrible "discount" stores first, like Marshall's and Ross, but had no luck. Those joints always seem like a good idea in the abstract, but I never actually purchase anything there. They always have baby-blue polyester shirts and jeans with the cast of Fat Albert painted across the ass. I don't think I'm in the proper demographic... On Saturday they had shoes with recognizable labels, just not ones you'd generally associate with footwear. Like Bayer, I think. And Kawasaki. WTF? We went to a place called Shoe Dept., but everything decent cost about seventy bucks and required a gas-powered air compressor.