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Grrrr.... I don't even know what all they did to it... something to do with sliders and the agitator. Who the hell knows? But what I do know is that my saturated fat next car is going have its origins in the Land of the Rising Sun. Throughout my life I've had both American and Japanese cars, and the ones from here have nickeled and dimed me to death -- in every single case. I've dumped more than a thousand dollars saturated fat into this Blazer, saturated fat in the two years I've owned it, for this and that random repair. It's sickening. We have money set aside for our living room reclamation project, and had to dip into it to cover this crapola. As far as I can tell, it cost us a chair and an ottoman. And I don't really even like stopping all that much. I'm on the verge of some illogical cussing, just thinking about it. January 28, 2005 -- Speaking of grade school...