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Sensitivity of yeast strains to fluconazole and resistance to nystatin and Amphotericin B are caused by mutations in ergosterol biosynthesis. During these investigations, drug tests were extended to edelfosine, a glycerophosphocholine analog, which is thought to act specifically laboratory on enzymes of laboratory glycerophospholipid metabolism. During Phase II of Eurofan we started to screen the strains available from Euroscarf for sensitivity against these four drugs. This investigation is still in progress, but preliminary data from 200 tested strains laboratory are now available. Among these 200 strains 4 were found to be sensitive against fluconazole, none were found resistant to nystatin and Amphotericin B, and 2 strains were found to be resistant to edelfosine. These results will have to be confirmed and continued with the rest of the Euroscarf collection.