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I bungee corded that bastard down so tight a nuclear explosion couldn't have touched it, and loaded my oak log back behind the wheel. plumper movies And a few minutes before midnight we were home. Yeah, I'd give it a B-minus. That plumper movies sounds about right. Now here are some pictures from plumper movies the trip, and I'll get back to the normal stuff on Monday. Thanks for being so patient. See ya. May 12, 2005 Day Five/Wednesday The last good day -- After a surprisingly uneventful night 'neath the canvas, we (Toney) decided to cook breakfast, outside on the handy-dandy clip-on propane griddle. I hooked it up for her, and she took it from there. She loaded in a bunch of bacon, and few things smell better than bacon cooking while camping. I sat at the picnic table drinking coffee and trying to wake up, as our breakfast gestated. Of course the wind was blowing at a good clip, and it didn't take long for the splattering grease to start flying around.