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It was obscene. By the time I threw in the towel there were colors swirling in my eyes. I'm not big on seafood, really, and bypassed some of the more puzzling things on fat porn star the bar. Like the crustaceans, the water bugs, the fat porn star Wal-Mart bags in milk, and the pot pies with pinchers and faces. But there were clearly some seafood pros in the house. Seated a few tables away from us was a Korean couple who had apparently brought their own nutcrackers, in velvet pouches emblazoned with their family crest. They had fat porn star all their sauces and dips lined up in front of them, and were systematically attempting to empty the goddamn oceans. It was something to see. My Dad told a story about a guy he used to work with, who talked about Crabby Mike's all the time. The man reportedly loved to eat more than anything else in this world, and thought Crabby Mike's was the absolute pinnacle of the human experience. He was always bringing it up, and the guy jumps to my Dad's mind whenever the words crabby or mike's are spoken.