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Then it was Christopher Reeve's wife, who died of lung cancer even though she never smoked. I also have never smoked, and once again, she was only about a year older than me. And every time I needed to so much as clear my throat tight for the rest of the day, I viewed it as my body sending a telegram filled with bad news. I can't really remember, but when Reeve himself broke his neck, I was probably convinced that I would wrench something vital while tight cutting a piece of steak, or scratching a lottery ticket, and be paralyzed for life. It's just the way my mental illness works. -- Even though my desk is in northeastern Pennsylvania, my job is technically based in Burbank, California. It's a complicated and boring story... But because I'm virtually there, they copy me on all office email announcements and send it to me here. For instance, when they're planning a potluck lunch (yecchh), 3000 miles away, I'm reminded to bring something.