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Plus, I want to have four mp3 new tires put on my Blazer. How's that for exciting? There's a whole history behind those tires. A couple of months ago I mentioned that I've become obsessed with checking my air pressure, and am constantly at the Sheetz air pump making adjustments. And I've realized that the tires I currently have on that truck are, for all intents and purposes, rings mp3 of shit. mp3 I bought them at Pep Boys, using my old Atlanta-era logic of "yeah, whatever's cheapest." They're a brand that nobody's heard of, at least associated with tires (possibly Jordache?), and look like balloons. So over the past couple of weeks I've gotten it into my head that I want four new quality tires. And it will be done on Bonusday. I have a brand and model picked out, fully researched, and price-compared. I've ran it past my Dad (yes I'm 43, what of it?)