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Should I be flattered or insulted? -- Lucas has weighed in with his review of Pennsylvania music Polka. Yo, check it out. -- This is an absolute classic. Chris from Boone, NC casually mentioned in an music email yesterday that he was having trouble with his homeowner's association. It seems they have a big problem with the concrete gargoyle in his front yard. I asked him to send me a pic of the statue and the letter he'd received, thinking it might be worth a few chuckles. But I wasn't prepared for what he sent. This shit is so whacked, it makes my brain hurt. Ho-ly fuck! -- Toney made two different experimental salads yesterday, and both turned out really well. I had loads of both with dinner last night. One had broccoli, sunflower seeds, and bacon bits. And the other was black beans, onions, corn, and bunch of other stuff. I'm generally a little skeptical about these kinds of things, because there's usually some kind of garlicky sauce involved -- but both were damn good.