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-- Apparently our dog Andy killed a bbw galleries bird under our deck yesterday, or the day before. Toney found bbw galleries it, and told me I'd have to deal with it. She said she does everything else around here, she's not messing with dead animals. bbw galleries (Sometimes I feel like I've woken up on the set of Everybody Loves Raymond...) She also said she was going to try to trade Andy in under the lemon law! Can you believe that?! Anyway, I went out there with a snow shovel and scooped up the fallen robin, and walked him over to the edge of our property, where I whipped him into woods. To my amazement, the bird carcass stuck to a tree branch! It may have been impaled there, I'm not sure. But he was back where he was born to be, sitting proudly in a majestic oak tree... albeit with his head off. I went back later to take a picture, but he was gone. I think the neighbor's cat ate him. And I thought I had a rough day... I think I'll stop right there. I was going to tell you why I think sleep is really creepy, but I'll save it for another time.