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I should've taken Andy out smartmedia there to help with the chairs, since he's supposedly a herding animal. The things were all over the place and it took me a few minutes to collect them. Then I went to work folding them up and putting them into their cloth storage bags. And that's when the awning collapsed on my head. An extra-powerful gust came roaring up from the devil's anus, and smartmedia the thing just said fuck it. It all came crashing down, wrapping me in a wet, heavy canvas, aluminum poles flying through smartmedia the air like javelins. Toney came running out and I asked her to hold onto the awning itself while I got the poles under control. Another big gust came roaring through and the thing puffed up like a sail, nearly lifting Toney off the ground. Together we finally wrestled it back into its housing, and I may have used a few bad words during the process. There was no sleeping after that bullshit, and we just laid there in our shape-shifter, staring at the ceiling.