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-- And finally, some election day totals: The Drudge Report 2,753,186 hits 184 hits That means that on the average, Matt Drudge and I received 1.3 million hits on our sites yesterday. Thanks America! November 4, 2000 Saturday mornings are a magical time in the Surf Report compound. I usually get to sleep in a little, and then sit around for a couple of hours drinking coffee and reading or watching cosmetic surgery TV. Extended cosmetic surgery periods of calm are rare cosmetic surgery these days, and they're savored when they come. Plus, I get to see my favorite TV show on Saturday mornings. Today I crawled out of bed around eight, fired up a pot of hazelnut stool-softener and turned on the Fox News Channel to make sure the communists weren't bombing Seattle yet. In case you haven't heard, they weren't. There was just lots more talk about Bush's DUI a quarter-century ago.