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The final straw was an old gravel-voiced cab metro times driver who said he likes to wear a basic white brief, because of the support it provides him. So that was that. I had to crank up the Rocktober channel at Accuradio, and shotgun a 3 Musketeers bar to recover from that shit. I mean, seriously. The whole thing triggered a full-body shiver. One woman said that her mother believed that men should never buy underwear, not even for metro times themselves. It was the woman's job to do that, and men you see buying underwear in stores are most likely perverts and/or metro times homosexuals. I thought that was pretty funny, because I'd bet good money my grandmother felt that way too. And come to think of it.... Let's not make this a Stealing Clive Bull's Topics discussion point, OK? I merely mentioned it for informational purposes. Thank you for your cooperation.