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I hope I never find out. I'd like to be able to now put all this 100 unpleasantness behind me, 100 and pretend it never happened. -- Too Much Joy is blasting in the bunker this morning; Cereal Killers to be exact. Remember those guys? What happened to 'em?! God, they were excellent. I feel a full-saturation three-day listening jag coming on.... -- I'm sending Memento back to Netflix today, even though I never watched it. I know this goes against the laws of 100 nature, but it's the way it has to be. I've soured on the movie, and no longer want to see it. Call me a radical if you must. -- Remember the "book deal" I hinted at, a month or so ago? (I use quotation marks because it feels pretentious and presumptive to just let those two words stand alone, like I think I'm Kurt Vonnegut or something.) Well, yesterday I found out that because of corporate red tape, a final decision on the project has been delayed by 45 days.