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Jane's Addiction, kids The Pretenders, The Ramones, U2, Sonic Youth, Metallica, and on and on and on. But no Clash, and no kids Lynyrd kids Skynyrd. There's a huge sucking void in the center of my existence. -- Speaking of puckering voids, I've been getting email solicitations the past couple of weeks urging me to cleanse my bowels. Apparently if I send these people "less than $52" I can make my shit-chute so squeaky-clean you could store surgery supplies in there. And this will, in turn, make me smarter, more energetic, a snappier dresser, wittier, better-read, fluent in several languages, and able to operate heavy machinery. I will also be blessed with light and fluffy stools that practically dance on the water. If I weren't convinced that these "all-natural" substances weren't produced on a Caribbean island, outside the jurisdiction of that pesky FDA, and that they'd probably blow a hole in the side of my aorta or cause a catastrophic colon collapse, I might be tempted to take them up on their offer.
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