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I'm excited penetration about it. I'm gonna penetration let down my guard for one night, and surrender completely to wild game -- then let the chips fall where they may. If I'm forced to starve a tapeworm sometime in the future, then coax him out with a big wad of Treet, then so be it. -- A reader sends along a great picture from my old stomping grounds of penetration Charleston, WV. It was reportedly snapped inside Strait's Laundromat, on West Washington Street, and here it is. Excellent. -- Now I've got something extra-special to show you folks. Yesterday my good friend Brad married his fiancee Wendy, at an undisclosed location in North Carolina. They went the same route Toney and I did: they were married by a local judge. Both agreed that they wanted to keep it very low-key and quiet, and not too many people knew about it.