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of my other questions pertaining to switzerland is; for a country withpractically no natural resources, it certainly is very wasteful with naturalresouces in general. Referring to aluminim, plastic, clothing andbio-degradable wastes.On classified that note,wish you success - classified the continuation of mankind depends on it.all the best,Monica At 6:47 AM, Janet said... Dear Dr. Barry.. I bet you would agree that it is not only a fat ass but BIG HEADSBIG EGO'SBIG ideas of who we think we classified are as humans..our sense of selfour insistance on maintaining status quo..Raising money in a business as usual way..Living in the usual way with looming ecological collapse..does this mean that even you will wait till it breaks before you do something different???Do humans really fix things BEFORE they break???Has anything so far worked to stop the destruction?? We are going to have to get smarter or die...I suggest reading the most recent issue ofScientific American MIND Alert: Memory Upgrade ..MagazineFor