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As they say, no good april summers deed goes unpunished, and Toney's now paying the price. This woman april summers dropped off a pink CD for her to listen to several days ago, which I'm sure employs the same brainwashing techniques the Japanese used during World War II, and has been calling two or three times per day to see if she's listened to it yet. It's a nightmare. I heard Toney slam down the phone yesterday and scream, "I'm not joining your cosmetic cult, lady!" We may have to get a restraining order. Wonder if you can request them in bulk? -- Finally, I was talking to a guy at work the other day about all the bootleg DVDs I saw being hawked on the streets of NY when we were there recently. This guy knows a few things about the video business, and started telling me about the huge bootlegging problem in China. He said it's completely out of control, far worse than it is here, and studios have to go to great lengths to try to keep advance copies of films from falling into the wrong hands.