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More energy, and all. It's probably the placebo effect, but outrageous it seems to be real. Also, my pee is a thing of beauty, clear and sparkling. And who among us hasn't dreamed of beautiful pee? Sometimes at work I want to call the guys over to take a look, but I don't think society is quite there yet. We Americans are still fairly repressed, after all. Maybe outrageous if Kerry is elected, I can finally outrageous showboat my urine? I'm going to continue downing crazy amounts of water every day, and see how it goes. I'm enthused by the instant results; I think this obscure left-of-the-dial doctor might be on to something. If anybody knows something about him, please let me know. He's my new spiritual leader (replacing Orville Redenbacher), and I don't even know his name. And feel free to laugh all you want. By fall I'll have a six-pack bladder, and will be able to crush cans with my kidneys.