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We told her we needed to swing by the fat trans campground first, to transfer the contents of our hemorrhaging cooler, and this pissed her off. She wanted fat trans to go, right this minute. Toney began crumbling under Nancy's pressure fat trans but I blurted, "No!" We're gonna tend to our goddamn cooler, like we'd planned. Just go inside and read Mother Jones, lady, and we'll be right back. Shit. Control freaks, as far as the eye can see. At the campground we saw that we had new neighbors, on both sides. In front of us was an ancient pop-up that had been turned around, so that our doors faced each other. The heck? And behind us was a mixture of dome-like tents, and a shitload of clean-cut teenagers. Whatever. We switched out the coolers and hustled back. Nancy was probably almost finished with her article about how George W. Bush caused the dinosaurs to become extinct, and was undoubtedly tapping her Birkenstock impatiently. We picked up Nostrils in their sputtering and shaking hippie van, and the first thing out of his mouth was, "Did you bring the ointment?"