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Title of our session is "We Got Naked...Now What?" We'll be talking about what it's like to reveal yourself--and get revealed by www fat plumpers com others--for blogging about things other people don't want you spilling to the world. Some of my fellow panelists write tell-all blogs based on their personal lives, real diary-type stuff. Since my writing is mostly about stories of other people and not myself so much, I'm there for balance--and to talk about www fat plumpers com what www fat plumpers com it's like when the press suddenly discovers you. Should be lively.I'd love to meet Phantom Prof readers from Austin, if you want to make the scene. More about this event as we get closer to it. The whole fest is really packed with juicy stuff, not just about blogging, but web design, marketing, wireless technologies and new media entrepreneurship. Oh, there's also this film festival thing going on.