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What is the "community identifier"? (i.e., Chub, Chaser, Chub4Chub, Bear...) The community identifier is a quick and simple way to describe yourself (and what you seek) to others. Its terminology is based on traditional free porn terms used for many years in the Chub and Chaser community. For example, if you are a chubby man looking for smaller men, then free porn you can be referred to as a "Chub". On the other hand, a "Chaser" is someone who seeks chubby men. There are many terms and variations, but free porn we have simplified the list to a just a handful that cover all the basics. Defining a community identifier in the My Settings page is optional (we know not everyone likes the "labeling" thing), but doing so will greatly improve the chances of your profiles being found by other citizens, as this is a heavily used field for searches throughout the site. My index photo thumbnail does not look right. How can I fix this? A thumbnail is created for the index photo (as well as other photos) after the upload.
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