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My Uploads What's My Uploads? My Uploads is a repository of your nude art unprocessed uploads that are destined for the general Galleries. When you upload photos or video clips for the general Galleries (Chubs, Husky, Twink/Muscle) they are placed in nude art a queue until they are processed. With My Uploads you can see all of your unprocessed uploads for these galleries, and you can also delete them before they are processed. Processing of the uploads happens on our end, and if your uploads are approved they will nude art be posted to the galleries. If they are declined, they will be deleted from the system. How do I delete an upload? For unprocessed uploads go to the My Uploads page, enable the checkbox next to the upload item and click the Delete button. For processed uploads that are already posted to the general galleries, you must submit a support request and provide the item ID, location, and reason for removal.