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As the show continued, I noted that basically everyone was plump teen sex fat chubby acting plump teen sex fat chubby the way Paris did, and I didn’t like it plump teen sex fat chubby on any of them, even SEX GOD Taylor Hicks. Finally, it was down to Gedeon and Bucky. I have no particular love for either of these performers, but I really wanted Gedeon to be eliminated because if he were it would have meant I was four for four in my predictions this week (as I would turn out to be), so I rooted for his elimination out loud. Adam said to me “Big surprise.” (Gedeon is black; Bucky is white). Finally I just couldn’t see any clue that he was joking at all, so I lamely offered, “I like Mandisa,” feeling totally fucking ridiculous that I was offering fandom of an American Idol star as evidence of the absence of racism, but resentful that I was put in this ridiculous position because he was using non-fandom as evidence of its presence.