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Manuela is distraught beyond words. Outside the emergency operating room, the doctors deliver brianna the bad news and ask her to consider donating his organs to the organ bank. Manuela agrees (after all, she is a trained organ donor counselor herself and brianna understands the importance). brianna Manuela, breaking the rules of her profession, learns the name and location of the recipient of her son’s heart, and secretly observes the fortunate man as he emerges from the hospital where he has received the transplant. Still, her feelings of emptiness persist. She reads in Estaban’s diary the following entry: “Last night Mom showed me a picture. Half of it was missing. I didn’t want to tell her, but my life is missing that same half.” She decides that she will honor Estaban’s last wish in reverse. If he cannot learn about his father, at least his father can learn about him.
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