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Through these varied sources, I learned that the circumstances of your “first time” were very important – most of my friends, both in real life and on television, were in exclusive, long-term dating relationships when they lost their virginities. After the first time, sex group I gathered, it stops being so important whom you sleep with or when in the course of your sex group relationship you sleep with them. I figured I would follow this pattern more or less: sleeping with my first boyfriend when I was sure I loved sex group him, and then being a little less discerning with the sexual partners that followed.     After I graduated from high school, my perspective toward sex started to broaden. The summer after senior year, I read Robert Penn Warren’s All the King’s Men. This novel includes a scene where the narrator, a pensive college student named Jack Burden, is about to sleep with his girlfriend, Anne Stanton, for the first time.
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