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Useful links: Advantage Magazine - Advantage aims to help you build a career based on your merits rather than your date of birth. It also intends to amplify the advantages of age ltd co diversity and good practice to employers.  Contains interesting articles and case studies.  hard copies of the magazine available in the Careers Service. Age Positive - part of the Department for Work & Pensions which provides advice and information ltd co on age related issues in the workplace. Campaign Against Age Discrimination ltd co in Employment - campaign to end age discrimination and have a website which is full of information and advice. Employers Forum on Age - is a network of employers whose website provides information and advice on age-related issues. FiftyOn Jobs - a specialised website for those over 50.  The website provides career information and advertises jobs. New Deal 50 Plus - New Deal  50 Plus is part of the government's welfare to work strategy for those over 50 and who have been on benefits for more than 6 months.
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