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It isn't. It's men's reason for our existence. Doris Lessing has a marvelous scene in a novel where a woman in middle age is passing a construction site where the guys are eating lunch and enjoying foot traffic. She's preceded by a young, pretty woman, at whom they whistle and call out admiring (or insulting, pussy org mature depending on your political stance) pussy org mature things. They haven't got anything to pussy org mature say to her, of course. She goes around the corner and she rearranges herself, she turns herself into a "woman." She improves her posture and fluffs up her hair and walks past them again with the desire to be attractive. And they pay her the compliment of whistling and admiring. Then she goes past again, only this time she's back in her own, middle-aged woman thoughts. And they ignore her again. I remember reading this years ago and knowing, absolutely, even though I was in my early twenties at the time, that this was true. So women have to deal with that.