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But I never felt able to cry for my mum because she had had a life, unlike the Dunblane children.I don't tell people the date on which she died. It seems selfish to father daughter taboo moan about her dying when those children died, but I feel guilty because I loved my mum so much.A THE pain you suffered is no less real than the pain anyone else suffers when they lose someone they love.The fact that your mum father daughter taboo died on the same day as the Dunblane tragedy doesn't mean it's selfish to mourn her. She was your mum. You loved her.Try contacting Cruse, the organisation for the bereaved, on 0870 167 1677 and hopefully you'll be able to shed those tears. I'VE NO FRIENDS AFTER SPLITTING UP Q I RECENTLY split up with my girlfriend and suddenly I have found myself without a girlfriend and friends.I used to be in the army and left because my girlfriend wanted me to.I