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When folks say it is the norm for latina women under age 20 to become pregnant, or that they are tired of seeing babies pushing baby carriages, I think about my mother and latina I wonder when was the last time they listened to hip hop music or look through articles in teen magazines with their daughter, niece, or little sister. The subliminal messages are clear and influential in media: sex and being sexy is part of the rite of latina passage to adulthood. Now, I know that rites of passage do not include the ability to impregnate or become pregnant. Rites of passage are a preparation for the celebration of adulthood as is motherhood. That historic day in 1974 was the first step for me and my mother. That day we broke the silence around sex and began a dialogue that was healthy, and based in faith and in reality. This year I truly celebrate motherhood, from Eve to Mary to Mildred, my best friend and mother who told me I "was going to be somebody."