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© www.thecoolermovie.com 2006 Al Weisel src="./index_files/image001.gif" v:shapes="_x0000_i1025">   posing LBJ's Gay Sex Scandal By Al Weisel posing Out, December 1999, pp. 76-131   Long before a girl named Monica was even born, the White House was embroiled in a controversy that threatened the presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson. The drama began in October 1964, when Walter Jenkins, LBJ's trusted friend and top adviser, was arrested for having gay sex in posing a YMCA men's room mere blocks from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.   It seemed like a typical night at the LBJ White House: Nearly midnight on October 7, 1964, just three weeks before the presidential election, and, as usual, Walter Jenkins was working late. The first staff member to arrive in the morning and the last to leave at night, President Lyndon B. Johnson's dedicated aide often put in 16-hour days. From his tiny, undistinguished office, no bigger than a walk-in closet, one would never have known that Jenkins was the president's most trusted adviser.
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