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It was utterly horrible. I felt like I was fighting the whole world when Jake was first born, but now it's the real life issues which make it hard to be a young mum. "I don't have as marjorie much of a life in terms of going out, because I don't see my friends every day like I used to. The money I get to live on isn't enough. It literally puts the food in my mouth and it pays my electricity bill. marjorie "Teenage fathers should definitely marjorie make a financial contribution because they helped make that child. Jake's dad has only recently come out of prison, but I'd rather have the money off him than the Government. It's the principle really. "I've always wanted to go back to work. I used to try to go to college but I couldn't find a nursery place; I went to my MP, who wrote a letter to my local nursery to get a place for me.
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